YL Doll

Recently, YL Doll released new photos with the YL-148/D body style and ›Allura‹ head (Jinshan no. 193).

Allura (Jinshan no. 193) is a female head by YL Doll. The head is made of TPE.

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

YL Doll ›Allura‹ head with YL-148/N body style - TPE

The YL-148/D aka YL-148/N is a medium-sized TPE love doll by YL Doll. She is 148 cm tall (with head) respectively 130 cm (without head) and weights 32 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 79 cm (breasts) × 56 cm (waist) × 90 cm (hips) / 59 cm (underbust) / 34 cm (shoulder) / 66 cm (arms) / 73 cm (outer leg) / 69 cm (inner leg) / 48 cm (thigh circumference) / 29 cm (calf circumference) / 21 cm (foot).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from YL Doll.

YL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPE
YL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL-148/N body style with ›Allura‹ head by YL Doll - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)YL Doll YL-148/D body style with ›Shael‹ head - factory photo (10/2019)

YL2ML is an adapter that allows to connect heads by YL Doll with an Maidlee Doll body.

Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll body
Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2ML - YL Doll head onto Maidlee Doll body

This posting shows a full image set produced during a PQC Quality Check, performed on a YL Doll YL-160 with ›Cheyenne‹ head.

The PQC Quality Check was performed in June 2017 at the X/S facility in Chongqing and succeeded with the Overal Result ›Passed, average‹.

This posting shows a full image set produced during a PQC Quality Check, performed on a YL Doll YL-160 with ›Cheyenne‹ head.

The PQC Quality Check was performed in June 2017 at the X/S facility in Chongqing and succeeded with the Overal Result ›Passed, average‹.

YL2DS is an adapter that allows to connect heads by YL Doll with an Doll Sweet body.

Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2DS - YL Doll head onto Doll Sweet body
Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2DS - YL Doll head onto Doll Sweet bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2DS - YL Doll head onto Doll Sweet bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter YL2DS - YL Doll head onto Doll Sweet body

DS2YL is an adapter that allows to connect heads by Doll Sweet with an YL Doll body.

The adapter comes with a metal M16 grub.

Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll body
Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll body

The YL-165 is a female love doll by YL Doll. The YL-165 has a body height of about 165 cm (with head) respecitvely ca. 147 cm (without head) and ca. 40.6 kg (manufacturer specs). This doll is made of TPE.

Body measurements: 85 cm × 56 cm × 104 cm (BWH) / 35 cm (shoulder) / 65 cm (under bust) / 63 cm (arms) / 93 cm (outer leg) / 81 cm (inner leg) / 58 cm (thigh circumference) / 36 cm (calf circumference) / 21 cm (foot)

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors – just like you are used from YL Doll.

YL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPE
YL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) with ›Rinia‹ head (Jinshan no. 188) - TPEYL Doll YL-165 body style with Jinshan no. 193 head - factory photo (04/2018)YL Doll YL-165 body style with Jinshan no. 193 head - factory photo (04/2018)YL Doll YL-165 body style with Jinshan no. 193 head - factory photo (04/2018)YL Doll YL-165 body style with Jinshan no. 193 head - factory photo (04/2018)YL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPEYL Doll YL-165/E body style - TPE

Recently, YL Doll released new photos with the WM-163 body style by WM Doll and the ›Shael‹ head (Jinshan no. 34) by YL Doll.

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